Home » BacteriaKiller



.It is a Polyester continuous filament with antimicrobial properties whose workability is guaranteed by silverionsembeddedwithinthefibre,thankstoanti-bacterialyarn additive.

 The bacteriostatic additive is applied during the extrusion phase without post-processing, thus having No impact on the textile characteristics of the yarn. The effectiveness of the bacteriostatic actionisguaranteedandcertified,itslong-lastingeffectresistsalsotorepeatedwashing.

. It allows Complete versatility of production and it comes as solution dyed, flame retardant FR and FR- UV stabilized.

The Microcompound is distributed within the entire mass of the filaments.

Silver: a natural and anti-bacterial yarn material

Silverexercisesaneffectivecontrolofallgrampositiveandgramnegativebacterias. Its microparticles showed their effect against some fungi as well.

Gram-positive bacteria

Gram-negative bacteria


Staphylococcus Aureus

Kletsiella Pneumoniae

Chaetonium globosun

Enterococcus Faecalis

Escherichia Coli

Aespergillus Niger

Bacillus Cereus

Pseudom onas Fluoresce ns


Listeria Monocytogenes

Salm on ella En teritidis



Salm on ella Typhimurium


EN ISO 207432007-JIS1902:2002 EN 14119A-2003-12

Principles of the anti-bacterial yarn Activity of Silver Ions:

They damage the surface of the bacterial cell.

They inhibit breathing through the cell membrane.

They create bonds with the molecules of the bacteria.

Their Effectiveness is Certified, their Performance is Guaranteed

Tests in accordance with ISO 20743:2007 and JIS 1902:2002.

Performance unaltered after 300 washes at 40 °C

Performance test. Bacteriostatic effect after 300 washes at 40°C

Thebacteriostatic functionalityofthis yarn can be combined with flameretardantproperties(FR) and/ora UV stabilizing effect (UV Guard).


BacteriaKiller is available as fdy , textured , twisted and taslan in different colors and counts.

No.319 Huanghai Road, Xinbei Dis. Jiangsu 213127, CHINA
czxinzhanjiang@gmail.com Contact Us