SunBlock is ahigly-effective skin-core yarn. Thanks for the bi-component spinning technology. The special core of the yarn shields against UV rays,providing superior protection from sun radiation. Furthermore, even when wet, it solves the “see- through”problem,oneofthebiggestdrawbacksof standard polyester.This yarn represents the perfect solution for applicationssuchassportswear,inparticular when a “cooling” effect is required.
◊ Fabric con structi on and color directly in flue nce absorpti on and reflecta nce of UVA and UVB rays.
◊ UPF is determined by the amount of UV rays transmitted through a fabric.
◊ Determination ofUPF rating AATCC 183-2014
◊ Determination ofUPF Value for Labeling ATSM D6603-12
◊ UPF rating 15-24: Good protection
◊ UPF rating 25-39: Very good protection
◊ UPF rating 40-50: Excellent protection